Panama Canal Trip Day 5 – The Panama Canal

6AM and we are off across Panama.
Still remember the Key Bridge in Baltimore. This is the Atlantic Bridge in Colon, Panama.
Not only did two pilots come on board, but 24 Steel Cable handlers as well.
Most folks spent the day watching. This couple even dressed in matching outfits.
Standing Room only on the bow.
Inside a lock, coming up.
We were not alone in the locks.
These cog rail things hauled us through the locks.

But, it was hot and humid and the weather just sucked all the energy out of me. 

View from inside the nice cool library.
The cold towel guy was busy.

Finally. A storm appears.

I was more than happy to retreat to my room as a storm approached.
The locks as seen from my room. A whole lot of black.
Cheers. If you think you are having fun, you are having fun. Quoting Carlton.

The whole thing took from about 6am to 3:30PM or so. And the cruise ship paid a transit fee of $300,000.  

Sea day tomorrow. 

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