Panama Canal Trip – Day 6

There was land.

SeaDay Today. It wasn’t boring. There was land, Panama I believe. There were birds. One large pod of dolphins and I happened to be in the right place at the right time to see them. 

Ships came and went.

The ocean is a busy place. Me not so busy. Not busy at all. 

The Pacific was just velvety smooth.

I sat in the library and looked out the window. I sat on the deck and looked out at the ocean. I walked round and round the deck to get my steps and cardio in. I read. I culled and cataloged photos. 

New photos as well as 2023 photos. Dealing with the 2023 photos has made me do a much better job culling “today’s images today”.  

Big question is: How to wash my hair in a tiny shower with poor water pressure? 

Cruise ships seem to be like Vegas. Patronizing the casino gets you all kinds of goodies and freebies. Seems to me, it’s cheaper to just buy my stuff and room.  Back when my brain functioned on most of its cylinders, I could manage to not lose my ass at 21. I wouldn’t risk it anymore. So, I’ve not darkened the door of the ship casino. The ship understands this – so they bring games of chance out into the ship on sea days. More like they sell “raffle tickets”. Not tempted.  I would not buy a $10 chance for a $500 shipboard credit. What does the ship have for sale for $500 that I would even want? Really! 

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