Panama Canal Trip – Day 9

My ocean library. Love it here.

Another sea day. I read, messed with my photos, went for a swim, and walked about 3 miles. Oh yes, I ate and drank coffee. Also had a little nap. A hectic day!

Today I saw lots of dolphins. Lots of birds. And one small turtle. Well, it looked small from the 14th deck. I wouldn’t have expected to see a turtle just swimming along. No picture of it. 

Lots of nice dolphins today.
Lots of birds too. I think they are masked boobies.
This fuzzy shot is a masked boobie.

Of course these are crappy photos. I don’t have a real camera anymore. 

The ship isn’t much on entertainment. Since this is currently Day 113 of the Round World trip that this ship is making… my guess is many of the passengers have figured out how to entertain themselves. Or they have abandoned ship.

Cruise ship entertainment – a fruit-cutting demonstration.

But for us newbies on board – today’s event fruit-cutting demo. 

All things considered, I’d rather enjoy my reading. In the library or on the deck on the shade side of the ship. 

Tomorrow. Mexico. 

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