Panama Canal Trip – Day 11

Huatulco. More wall art.

Cinco de Mayo. Sea Day. Off the left coast of Mexico. At least 10 bars on the boat not including the bars inside the dining venues. What’s not to love? The young people, AKA the 60-somethings, have organized a pub crawl. 

Got about 9,000 steps in today. By bedtime, I should hit 10,000. Otherwise, it’s been a lazy day. Happy to report that it’s about 10 degrees cooler.  I took 102 pictures yesterday. 53 remain. The pain of dealing with 2023 images is burned into my brain at this instant. I also napped, read, and ate scones with clotted cream. 

More photos from yesterday.

Huatulco – yesterday
I thought I had found the ultimate in outdoor shit. But…
But, upon closer examination – they are huge seedpods.
From this tree. Apparently, it is called the “ear tree”.
For my green friends. Huatulco has very clean beaches. At least on boat day. 

And another bad bird photo from this morning.

More Masked Boobies. From this morning’s deck walk. I also saw a bunch of dolphins and one container ship.

Puerta Vallarta tomorrow. Then 2 more sea day. Then LA and the SW Chief heading east. But. Nobody is promised tomorrow. Enjoy today. 

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