Panama Canal Trip – Day 13

Some views from my 7 mile walkabout Puerto Vallarta yesterday.
Felt like I should go in and stock up.
Nice rocky beach
The taggers need practice.
Wall Art.
Well off the tourist track market.
Frigate Bird – honest, This is the end of my bad bird photography! Promise.
I was happy to see the ship outside the bus window. My Spanish needs work so I was not  100% sure I was on the correct bus. And yes, I was perfectly safe on the public bus. 
If you decide to ride out an unfortunate turn of events in Puerto Vallarta (the Orange Clown winning in November for example)  – there is a Walmart and Sam’s Club.

The photos are all sorted. The weather has turned much cooler. The entire ship has a sort of final-inning feel to it. Guests are talking about packing. Some of the crew members are getting off in LA for extended home leave. The crew/vendors on board are working overtime to sell us things we don’t need. 

An advantage of OLD is I realize how little stuff I need. I need more time and more good health. But not more stuff. 

I am not going to address packing until after tea time tomorrow. I have to be out of my room by 7:15 AM on Thursday. I think I have the LA bus system figured out well enough to get to the train station. My train doesn’t leave until 6PM,  assuming it is on time. So, there is zero rush. And that is good. 

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