Panama Canal Trip – Day 14

It is a weird day on the Island Princess.

Last day on board. And it’s very chilly. 

Maybe the cruise is detouring to Alaska today.
Books are pouring back into the library. Guess people are lightening up. I talked to a couple who had 14 suitcases. They did the round-the-world thing. But still, 14?
There is a laundry room on most decks. You don’t need to bring 125 panties. 
You have no idea how tempting this is.
And there were cakes today.
Cheese Cake?

Honestly, the desserts on the ship looked better than they tasted. Which I am guessing was a good thing because I had enough temptation with the scones and clotted cream. Every afternoon at three.

Packing up time. If it doesn’t warm up, I’ll have to hit a thrift shop tomorrow for a sweater!
Like this traveler, this ship is showing her years. But, we both made it. So far. Nobody is promised tomorrow.

Tomorrow the Southwest Chief. Leaving LA at 6PM. I am supposed to be off the boat at 7AM. That gives me 11 hours to get to the train station. And the train station is within walking distance of Tokyo Town and ramen.  

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