Panama Canal Trip – Day 15

Off to a fine start. The bus stop was easy to find and it was clear which side of the street I needed to be on.

Wasn’t sure I would be able to put up any photos. But, snail WiFi isn’t the worst thing that can happen. 

I have nothing but good things to say for LA Metro. They delivered me from San Pedro Cruise Port to LA Union Station in about an hour for 75 cents. Well, I had to pay a dollar because I didn’t have three quarters.

And at the Train Station the LA Metro information person gave me some suggestions of places to go. And another nice LA Metro person sold me a “temporary senior citizen card”. That cost me $2.50. It allowed me to ride all over on buses and the subway for 35 cents a ride. 

Today I road 4 buses and 2 subways for $3.50. (Uber would have cost $165 plus tip to get me from the ship to the train.) And, I walked 6.5 miles. Enjoyed my very long layover in LA.  It’s sort of a whatever happened was what I planned thing.

Interesting billboards.
Eat. Because after Sunday brekkie, it’s back to Asylum gruel. (Grand Central Market)
Hot and expensive – Grand Central Market.

Will be getting on the train in a couple of hours. Getting a coffee and reading for a while. I have worn my little old lady self out.

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