Panama Canal Trip – Day 18 – Day Last

Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico. (Moving Train Window Shot)
It must be great to have a built-in phone shelf!
Facing future.

Back at the Old Bat’s Cave. 

Got off the train at 1:10 this afternoon and walked into the OBC at 2:11. Not too shabby. That was 2 metro trains and 1 metro bus. And $1. 

And what did I do when I got home? Very little. Watered my orchids, unpacked, washed all the clothes, picked up my mail, took a shower. Oh and backed up my computer. Now I am waiting on dinner. Brekkie was light and long ago.

I have to work on a report for the hospital and check my snail mail and various accounts. However, I’m feeling a bit fatigued from traveling. Therefore, I have postponed all the “important” tasks that require active cognitive abilities until tomorrow.

The trip was about 7,800 miles. 


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