Home – OK, What now?

Ray the Rosemary plant has never been so lush and healthy looking.

On the other hand…

Phlomis russeliana is not looking too good. Only time will tell.

I know it’s too early to give up on this plant. But? 

Finished up all the chores that accumulated while I was wandering around. Time to plan the next escape. Switzerland? Singapore? Kyoto? All three?

No good deed goes unpunished. I bought 3 packages of origami paper in LA. Because I like to support small businesses that sell origami paper. 2 packages are fine. More than fine. Excellent actually. The 3rd and most expensive package is crap.

It’s nice paper. But it’s not perfectly square. So, it’s crap.

And, it was my fault. The paper was made in China. It was packaged in England. Chinese paper is always questionable. I know that.

This model uses rather a lot of glue. I was able to use the crap paper to make it. But, I see no reason to do anything with the new crap paper other than put it into paper recycling.

This isn’t an earth-shaking problem. Just annoying. How could I have been stupid enough to buy Chinese paper packaged in England in Los Angeles? 

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