Another Gray Day

Roses are at their max right now. And they look very cheery on a very gray day.

It’s cool and damp again today. But not complaining. All too soon it will be blazing mid-Atlantic summer hot. And I managed to pull myself out of yesterday’s do absolutely nothing morass. 

This is not to say that I was a ball of energy today. Not even close. But, I did manage some yoga and an almost brisk walk.

Tomorrow I have a little photo job. I have to take some pictures at a religious service. You know how desperate they must be if they need me to take pictures. Remember, I am the person who believes that we are NPCs in a cosmic D&D community.  

But, trying to take this little job seriously, I checked the venue this morning. Well, it’s not like I actually spend any time in the chapel. But, I did know where it it is located. 

The reason for tomorrow’s photo shoot. A rather charming wall hanging. 

So tomorrow morning I will suit up, put my Pixel Phone in my pocket, and go off. Photos will be taken. 

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