Ah SummerTime

Things you see from the train window. Huge piles of “recycling”.
Things you see from the deck of a ship. Things you see from the deck of a ship. A wonderful old building surrounded by “progress”.

A nice day. Escaped from the asylum for a yoga class today. 

For a long time, I dealt with constant dizziness and mental fog. I just figured it was an inevitable part of getting older. But then, I decided to look closely at all my meds. I stopped all of them. Three days after stopping the medications, the dizziness cleared up, and I felt mentally perkier.

I restarted the blood pressure meds and continued to be fine. Next, the unnecessary cholesterol meds that I just take to make my doctor happy. I was still fine.  All that remained was an allergy medication that I have been taking since the last century. Guess what? A few days after adding the allergy meds to the mix – the dizzy foggy feeling returned. I disposed of those pills. 

Sure, it helped with the sneezing, but was it worth the constant fuzziness in my head? Absolutely not! Three days after stopping the medication, the dizziness cleared up, and I felt mentally perkier.

Intellectually, I know that old people are frequently over or wrongly medicated. But I didn’t expect that I would be one of those old people. I was wrong.

So, people. Watch those drugs. Just because they worked for you when you were 50 doesn’t mean they will still work for you when you are 80.  

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