If BS were electricity …

OOPS. Downed tree on my regular walking route.

Then the Asylum management team would be a powerhouse. Today the management team spent an hour telling us how wonderful everything is. One resident asked management “OK, everything is better than it has ever been,  so why is one of the elevators broken again and why is my A/C not working?” (In our 14-year-old building all of the A/C units seem to be failing. I live in the older 35-year-old building and our A/C comes from some central cold store.)

Management fails to understand that many of us care a lot more about today than about ten-plus years from now and how good it’s going to be then.  

But, they mean well. Bless their hearts.

I got all enthused about going to northern Japan in July. Then I started feeling less than 100% confident about that plan. The problem with Japan is I don’t speak a word of Japanese past Sumimasen (which means “I am sorry”). And of course, I can not read the signs. Also, the Japanese don’t speak English. That’s my problem. Not theirs.

I am OK in Tokyo and Kyoto. I have been hopelessly lost in both cities but have always managed to find my way back to some known point. But, northern Japan isn’t urban. Outside of Sapporo, it seems to be very rural. But, interesting. Very interesting. And, they have trains and buses. But, the trains and buses don’t have apps. 

Choice 2 on my list is Switzerland. I don’t speak German, French, Italian or Romanish. But, I can read the signs. And that’s a biggie. Switzerland is also interesting. And it too has trains and buses. 


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