Back to Summer.

Incoming Storm. 8PM yesterday.

Summer = Evening Storms in my neighborhood. And last night’s storm was a preview of coming attractions. It took out the Wi-Fi for the night and some of our elevators. But, I verified I can control my lights, etc using Alexa when the Wi-Fi is out.  (Usually, when the wi-fi goes so does the electricity. )

After several days in acute old-woman mode about going to Japan, I have gotten myself back on track.  Thinking about July 8ish to August 2ish. Fly into Tokyo and most likely spend a night. Then train it north the next day. Stay up north until the last week of July. Then maybe return to Tokyo for a week of Tokyo madness. Plane out on Aug 2. Return to DC on Aug 2. Crash. The time difference is 13 hours. 

When Sam and I went to Japan in 2010, a dollar was worth about 90 yen. We calculated the cost of things by chopping off the last two digits. But, today a dollar is worth 157 yen. That means conversion is harder. But, the trip is cheaper. 


Went to yoga today on the bus. When I got on the bus, a very frail woman was wearing a mask up front. This woman could have been 40 or 90. She had that frail look that seriously ill people have.

The bus get to the end of the line. I transfer to the bus that goes to the hospital at this spot. So I hop off the bus. I hear the woman asking the driver to help her stand up. So, I wait by the door on the sidewalk. I can help her to the bus that’s going to the hospital I figure. Well, she was going to a hospital. But, a hospital that was a Metro ride away.

Very slowly we walked over to the escalator. I couldn’t let that woman go down 2 escalators alone. She didn’t want to walk to the elevators which weren’t as close. SO, I go down the escalators with her and get her to the platform.

She wouldn’t let me continue to escort her. I hope that someone else picked up where I left off. As I left she said: “The last treatment was rough.”

I am grateful on so many levels.

    • I just happened to be at a place where I could help her.
    • I am still in pretty good condition.
    • I had a metro card with sufficient cash to get into the subway system. (many regular bus riders don’t have much money on their cards).
    • And, I know that none of my friends would allow me to go out in the world in that condition. Even if they no longer had cars – someone would have been on the bus/metro with me.

There is a lesson here. I just don’t know what it is. Maybe gratitude is enough.

I asked AI to improve that gratitude bit. It was improved. But, it wasn’t me. I am still struggling with AI. You will have to endure the unimproved version. 


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