Of course he was in lust with her.

0602 – looking northish this morning.

I read  an online article about how all of the speakers at Apple’s recent event stood in a pose called the “Apple Stance,” which is apparently a variation of the “ready position.” Who knew? The article even included a picture of Lynda Carter, better known as Wonder Woman, to illustrate it.

UNITED STATES – NOVEMBER 07: WONDER WOMAN – “The New Original Wonder Woman” – pilot – Season One – 11/7/75, Based on Charles Moulton’s comic-book superheroine, the series took place during World War II as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter), donning a golden belt that gave her superhuman strength and golden bracelets that deflected bullets, returned to the United States to fight villians., (Photo by ABC Photo Archives/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images)

Carlton was in lust with that woman. And is there any wonder? She had everything a boy who grew up white, southern, and sex-deprived in the 50s wanted. Big hair, bullet breasts, wasp waist, hot pants, boots, and heels. Oh, let’s not overlook the whip.

In later years he met her when he worked at Glen Echo Park. She frequently brought her kids to ride the carousel. 

I didn’t feel threatened. 

More summer.

OK. I will remember to “Publish” this. No saving it until after Happy Hour and Dinner. 

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