
0654 – sun well up. Peg just up. And a cool lens effect from shooting into the sun. All Good.

If this is my biggest problem. I got no worries. But…

Weeds growing in the Astro Turf. Not a good sign. 

Nobody is paying attention to the little stuff around the asylum these days.  One wonders how unkempt things will have to get before someone notices.

First cut trip clothes.

That’s 6.5 pounds of clothes. There is only one “just in case” item. My rain jacket. I will be rained on and drenched down to my granny panties. The only way I to survive this adventure is to travel ultralight. 

Plan is to keep my total weight to 15 pounds if it’s just a backpack and purse. Or 20 pounds if it’s my little rollaboard and backpack.  In either case, it will be the same amount of stuff. Just different packing containers. 

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