
0529. Another day. Another sunrise.

Don’t get me wrong. I am grateful for every new day. My origami buddy and I were talking this afternoon. We are both facing “lasts”. I am pretty sure this solo trip to rural Japan will be my last “adventure”.  Oh, I hope to be able to go places. But “tame” places. Like barge trips to the south of France. Or a train trip across Scotland.  Or another cruise ship. One problem is I am about to age out of my medical evacuation insurance. A more serious problem is my brain and body are wearing out. Not rusting out mind you. Wearing out. 

Traveling while ancient.

I am not a fan of wheeled luggage. But, the time has come. I hauled out this old “rolling briefcase” I used to haul camera gear around. It’s sturdy as a battleship. The wheels are excellent. It weighs 5.3 pounds. Even when fully packed, I should be able to lug it up and down stairs. (Japan has a lot of old people. But there are many stairs and few escalators or elevators in the rail/subway system. ) And, it’s small enough to fit on a rural bus or small train. 

And, I’ll take my trusty old purse. I am an old woman. I can do that. Or I might take my little backpack.

Traveling while ancient.

The backpack and purse are interchangeable in weight, capacity, and utility.


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