Summer. No doubt about it.

0602 – Slept late this morning.

Thinking about Japan and my gimpy hip. NO! not thinking about canceling. I am confident that if something goes seriously wrong in Japan between, my medical evacuation policy, medicare supplement plan F, and my Master Card – I’ll be fine. Japan has a first-class medical system.  

My imaginary Japanese train/subway exit. There will be a lot of stairs in Japan. And a lot of steps. 

I have been making it a point to go up those stairs daily.  Sure we have stairwells in The Asylum. But these look more JR Yamanote Line-like. 

Here is a real set of tokyo transit stairs.

In Japan, everything you want is always at the top of a set of stairs.  Or it’s at the top of a hill.

Oh, how is the weather here?

Toasty. That’s how it is. But The Asylum A/C has been on the job. I doubt that we will be dining al fresco tonight.

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