Sunday Sunday

0507 and not in focus.

Nice hot summer day. Don’t think it made it to 100 today because some clouds showed up.

This afternoon’s adventure was convincing Shutterfly that this isn’t acceptable. Not even close.

After a nice long nap – I launched an assault on Shutterfly over this quality control lapse. I figure my mental facilities are OK as long as I can go 3 rounds with “customer service” and get an admission of “it’s our problem, not yours”. Well, I knew it was their problem all along.  

Next time I am feeling especially perky I’ll get my SSL certificate renewed and installed. 

A fellow garden boxer is not amused that her tomatoes get stolen.

You are troubled by raccoons, rabbits, and deer in your yard. Your human neighbors are the problem in your Asylum garden box. 

Time for a little pre-dinner walk. This leg/hip/back issue of mine is definitely helped by walking. Which, for Japan, is a good thing.

Oh, I got detained in the elevator last night. I was alone. That’s a good thing. The elevator was stopped. That’s a better thing. The elevator announced that it had a “problem” and I should call for help. HELP. I am not sure why the elevator didn’t call for help. Before long the “Open Door” button worked and I quickly exited and walked up the stairs.

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