
0515 – Sunrise color was looking north today.

The weather is lovely today. Only 89°. And not too humid.

After a little nudging from an old friend, I made an appointment to see an orthopod about my hip on Wednesday. I carefully selected an almost retired doctor. One who doesn’t do surgery any longer. You know what? Just making the appointment made my leg feel better.

I played a little mental game. I made a Minimal Packing List for Japan.

1. Passport
2. Credit and Debit Card and Suica Card
3. Phone
4. Phone charger and cable
5. Power Bank
6. BP Meds for a month
7. Underdrawers (1)
8. Dress
9. Socks (1 pair)
10. Deodorant – Essential considering the wardrobe limitations. 

This assumes I have pants, a Merino tee shirt, a sweater, and shoes and socks. Well, even I wouldn’t fly naked. The power bank is not essential. I am sure one could be found anywhere in Japan.

Could I do it?  Yes. Would I want to do it? Well, not exactly. 

It’s fun to think about.

And some of this only works because I am going to Japan. Japan uses US plugs. And, even the most modest Japanese hotel supplies PJs, slippers, shampoo, combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. But not deodorant.

Some of the hotels I’ll be staying in have laundry facilities. You put on your PJs and slippers, throw all your clothes in the washer/dryer, then head to the communal bath, get naked, shower, and relax. You just hope the Japanese washer/dryer doesn’t ruin your clothes. I’m not completely comfortable with putting all my clothes in an unfamiliar washer/dryer.

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