
0511am and all is well.

It was over 95° today. I went out for my brisk walk around the “big block” when it was 95° and I added my 4.5-pound purse to the mix. Trying to get a little in shape for my trip to Japan. 


Grateful for my Asylum Family. Old age sucks and I don’t know how I would manage it alone.

Well, I went to see the orthopod today. The great news is: my hip bones look fine. Not fine for an 80-year-old woman but fine for anyone. As for the pain. Well, I was more or less told that any of the possible medications would cause more problems than they would solve since I am an 80-year-old woman. 

I can deal with this. Especially since I have known more than one person who ended up with major GI bleeds due to NSAID usage. And several who had ruptured tendons post cortisone injections.

So, yoga and walking it is. The doctor prescribed a strong 24-hour NSAID with black box warnings regarding its use in older individuals. I was instructed that I could take one on the day of my 14-hour flight if experiencing significant pain. 

Oh yes, he did suggest that losing 10 pounds might help. I am currently focused on the “might” word. I do have a pair of much loved pants that don’t zip anymore. . . So, we’ll see.

This is my last day of “enjoying poor health”.  Think I’ll go outside and try to stir up some rain this evening so I can maybe skip watering the cutting garden tomorrow. Then dinner with the asylum family. One is in Guatemala and another is locked up with Covid. But, we are a large family – there will be six of us. 

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