
0552AM and the sun has speared the Washington Monument.

Another nice warm summer day. Not hot. Just warm. Of course, the world is going to hell. But, it’s easy for me to ignore because I’ll be going to hell soon enough myself.

And, if looking for doom and gloom, we just got a looooong email explaining that an employee’s email was hacked last fall and some resident data may have been compromised. Well, all I care about is my checking account info. And, the general indication from the email is that medical information was compromised. I have no secrets in that box. So, I am going to ignore that email.

More doom and gloom. There is a distinct uptick in Covid at The Asylum. I am going to ignore Covid too. Not much I can do about it.

Comes right down to it. There’s not much that I can do anything about. And that’s probably a good thing. Because, I truly don’t understand what the world has become or how it happened.

Butterfly Weed.

This happy butterfly weed is in my garden box. It was savagely ripped out in early spring when I was remodeling the garden box. New plants were installed. One of the new plants died. And the butterfly weed came to the funeral and made itself at home. I think there is a life-lesson in this somewhere. 

Didn’t get the SSL Certificate thing done yet.

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