
0525am – Looking fine,

Ok. The SSL Cert is good for another year.  And I went to a bank and tested out my debit card which doesn’t have a foreign transaction fee. Because, strangely, Japan is still pretty much a cash society. 

Travel Togs
      1. Dorky, but appropriate skirt
      2. Damn compression socks – 2 pair
      3. Dress
      4. One long sleeve, one short sleeve shirt.
      5. Two base layer shirts
      6. Rain Jacket – stuffed into it’s own pocket
      7. Undies
      8. Undies
      9. Damn compression socks
      10. Black pants
      11. Some kinda shoes
      12. Base layer t-shirt
      13. Much loved cashmere hoody for the plane and long distance trains.

No undies in the photo. I forget them! I am pretty sure I would remember to put on underwear when dressing for the trip. Plan on wearing items 8-13.

Total package = 9 pounds.

Current plan is to pack items 1-7 into this old “rolling briefcase”.  It is sturdy as a tank and has great inline skate wheels. Adding a few toiletries and electronics it should still weigh less than 16 pounds. I can easily get that into any airplane or train overhead storage.  Or wrangle it onto a crowded subway or lug it up 3 flights of stairs. Don’t want to rely on the kindness of strangers. 

I could stuff it all into my backpack. That would save 3 pounds but I’d give up the wheels. Think wheels are worth 3 pounds. The only thing I am iffy about is just one pair of shoes. I may have to accept wet feet. It has happened before in Japan.  See: Osaka – Called on account of rain. That was in July 2010.

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