Hot Friday.

0635AM Fireworks hangover in the air this morning.

And at 4PM, it is 99°. Checked today’s forecast for Tokyo. 98° on tap there. 

Today’s adventure was a visit to the dentist. I was scolded for ignoring a tooth that “needs major work” or  “removal”. Been putting it off. Made an appointment for mid-August. I am going to be a snaggle-toothed old crone.  (wreckage of the future thinking)

The Spork will be going to Japan. It will be more useful than another pair of granny panties.

About Fireworks. 

Too hazy and damp for the big show on the Mall.

Not to mention, the telephone doesn’t take great fireworks shots. At least when I am the shooter.


But, our next-door apartment building neighbors set off some fine illegal rounds.

Never mind that I had to stick my head out the window to see them.  They were very close.

Last-minute fussing and cleaning up the Old Bat’s Cave on tap for tomorrow.  And, I need to send a check to secure my November/December lodging in Kona. ( just trying to stay the future course )

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