Day 01 to Newark


Made it into my hotel room in Newark at about 4:00 p.m. and I was starved. So I proceeded to have dinner. Whole wheat croissant, brie and a banana not too shabby. picked them up at the asylum before leaving this morning. And I have a couple of chocolate chip cookies for later.

Leaving Alexandria. Thanks “Hatheway”.

The train ride was uneventful. It was delayed because of the heat but not by much.

Hotel #1. This will be the biggest room that I will have until I return to the old bat’s cave.

Maybe I should get my shoes on and go see what’s happening in exciting downtown Newark. Or even go into the city. But, that bed is looking pretty sweet right about now. 

Plan on leaving for the airport 7ish tomorrow morning and hitting the Polaris Lounge for breakfast. Plane boards at 0930. Or not. 

Haven’t a clue when I get off another post. 

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