Japan – Day 04

0518am Tokyo air shaft sunrise.

Up this morning. Before the train, I wanted to accomplish 2 tasks. Get some money from an ATM. And, get breakfast from someplace that wasn’t Starbucks or a convenience store.  Mission accomplished.

Next task. Find my train. At Tokyo Station. It’s not the busiest train station but it seems like it.
An here’s my train. It does go fast and uses the longest undersea tunnel in the world. I would have guessed that the longest undersea tunnel was The Chunnel. 
Hotel #4 with view of the train station.

I get into the hotel and head out for a walk

 It was 90 degrees when I left Tokyo. But it’s 75 in Hakodate. 

Downtown Hakodate

I was too hungry and too tired to attack a real restaurant so I had a 7-11 dinner. Also too tired to get naked with my hotel neighbors in the onsen. In fact, I dozed off once while doing this post.

I leave you with an interesting Japanese sandwich.

Corn and mayonnaise sandwich at the 7-11


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