Sapporo Japan – day 08

0509am my hotel is wrapped up in construction netting. It shows up more in photos than in person.

I slept much better last night. About time. After a strange breakfast of fried chicken and bread and butter I headed off to Otaru on the train. It’s another old seaport town. Turned into tourist attraction.

This seems to be the modern version of standing in front of the family automobile. Getting your picture taken to prove that you were on vacation
The canal boats were very busy today. Because that big cruise ship was here today. So, I walked along the canal. 

The highlight of Otaru for me was the very strange Otaru Stained Glass Museum. 

The stained glass museum.

More about its weirdness at a later date. I just stepped in the door because I was hot and wanted a place to cool off. It turned out that they actually accepted Google Pay. I am not going to count on using Google Pay. 

Okay, other countries have just plain stupid citizens too.

When I got back to the Sapporo train station, the afternoon protest was going on. This group seemed to have some problem with the world health organization.

After a little rest I headed out again.  I was mildly interested in the Hokkaido Horticultural Park. It was delightful.  And. Dangerous.

Be afraid
Be very afraid

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