Sapporo Japan – Day 09

0254am – worry time.

Last night I woke up having a minor panic attack. How was I going to wash my hair when the tub/shower was well over knee high with no grab bars in sight? What if I miss the only bus? What if I can not figure out where the bus was and how to pay for it? What if my debit card stopped working? What if Trump is reelected?

Honestly only the last one is a problem. I got my hair washed. I have a train ticket to the town the bus leaves from with almost 2 hours to get the bus sorted. I have another debit card and enough cash to hold me until Tokyo.

So, why not go to the zoo. They are supposed to have polar bears and wolves. 2 subways. 1 bus. I can do this. Well.

There’s a ptice to pay if you miss your Subway stop and have to turn around and go back a station.

But, I made it to the zoo. After missing my subway stop.

Recycling. The Sapporo zoo seems to keep their animals working even after they’re dead. The giraffe and the elephant were long-time residents.
And some of the former residents get stuffed.

Actually, it seems like a cool idea to me. 

The zoo has lots of birds.
And two polar bears but I only saw one.

I was hot, tired and rather disappointed with the entire zoo. I think the problem with the zoo is they have to spend an awful lot of money keeping the animals warm in Winter. So there’s summer outdoor enclosures are rather small and uninteresting.

On my way out I stopped to look at the elephant enclosure. Surprise surprise. They have an 11-month-old baby elephant. Adorable. She decides she’s had enough of this outdoors and starts charging off indoors. I understand it’s hot outside.

Mom and baby outside.
Ah, back inside. I believe the zoo has 4 adult and 1 baby elephants. That’s a lot for such a small municipal zoo.
Good advice

Travel day tomorrow. The train part is no problem. But the 90 minute bus ride is shall I say interesting.

Ps The zoo had squatty potties. I took one look at it and decided nope don’t need to go. I was feeling a bit guilty about being so wimpy when I noticed that the Japanese lady who’d followed me in decided she didn’t need to go either.

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