Mt. Asahidake – Japan Day 11

0445am – out my window this morning.

Today’s plan was to walk up to the nearby ropeway and take the ropeway up to a so called loop stroll. It looks like a stroll.

There are wonderful alpine flowers
This should have warned me. This is not going to be a stroll.
There was a nice view.

But, I had to get down that pile of rocks that I just got up. And I have always been a little skittish about down. Up might be hard but down is just plain scary.

There are glorious vistas.
But, note to Japan: that is not a strolling path.

I don’t want to turn back because there’s a whole lot of rocky downhill. But I have no idea what’s ahead. So, when you’re on a loop trail keep looping. It’s a stroll.

Soon I was passed by a gaggle of primary school kids. How humiliating.

Yesterday I met a woman who was here with an international hiking tour group. I asked her if they’d done any hiking yet and she said yes. They just got here but they had hiked up to the fumaroles. Then comes to a sign announcing that the fumaroles are .2 kilometer away. I am too tired to get any closer.

Fumaroles. In Hawaii we can drive right up to them.

I could have been on a hike if I were in the US but here it was just a stroll.

When I got back to the hotel I was hot, dirty and sweaty all the way through all my clothes. So I did something very brave. I put half of the clothes that I have with me here in Japan into this washing machine. And then in the dryer.

Japanese washer and dryer

That’s risky business. 

About the stroll. It was really hard. And I knew that with every step I was in danger of a life-changing and perhaps life ending slip or fall. If I had known how hard it was going to be I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gone. But I went and I’m glad. But, am I going to do it again tomorrow? Hell no!

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