Abashiri – Japan Day 13

0548am – Asahikawa.

About 4 hours on the train this morning.

The first part of the trip was mostly rice fields
The second half was mostly onions in various stages of development. These seem to be drying.

When I found my hotel at about 12:45, they let me check in. How sweet was that?

Hotel # 8. Tiny room.

The hotel onsen is very nice. The water seems to be rather alkaline. Truth in advertising seems to be important. The hotel says that their water is only 26 degrees and they heat it to 42. 

And when you finish your bath you get a very fine ice cream.

Walked around town. It is on the ocean. In winter, visitors come to look at sea ice. Not icebergs. But ocean covered in a layer of ice. Don’t think there’s any reason to come in the summer. But here I am.
I came to see a prison. Tomorrow. If I can figure out how to get to jail.

Yesterday I made a snarky comment about Japanese sandwiches. 

Form today’s foraging run.

That’s Salted Vanilla Whipped Cream and Chocolate Mint Whipped Cream and Chocolate.

Those are seriously weird sandwiches. I didn’t buy a sandwich today

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