Kushiro – Japan Day 17

054am cloudy this morning.

Checked out of the cheap hotel this morning. Got no complaints about the joint. I got two free cans of beer.

Had a couple of hours to kill before the train. I didn’t use my time wisely. I read a trashy novel on my Kindle in the train station. But in good time the one car train showed up.

This time I am waiting at the front of the line.
Isn’t this a helpful sign?
The passengers seem to enjoy watching out the front window. Looking over the engineer’s shoulder.

Lots of farm land and forests today. And stops in places where the station was only a sign.

Hotel #10

My usual plan is to stay as near to the station as possible. But the hotel is about 15 walking minutes from the station. Hope I don’t end up regretting staying this far away from transport.

I washed some clothes. Went to the onsen. I have a chicken sandwich in the fridge if I get hungry later. But for now I am just going to watch seagulls out of my window. 

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