Kushiro – Japan Day 18


0605am this is a gray foggy town.

Kushiro doesn’t seem to have a whole lot going for it. But you can tell it wants to be a happening place.


On my walk today about all I saw happening was some fishing

They caught fish.
But, they gave the fish to the gulls. And why not? Fish isn’t in short supply in this town. Catch fish for fun. Buy fish for dinner.
Why do I always need to find out what is at the top of the stairs?
A view of exciting downtown Kushiro that’s what’s at the top.
Every where there are signs tell you the elevation. Outside I could understand. But inside hotel, Right by the elevator, there is the elevation. Guess they take tsunamis pretty seriously here.

The Mickey mouse club. Or how the Black Death wiped out half the population of Europe.

See the mouse? He was scampering off a very disreputable looking fishing boat.

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