Kushiro – Japan Day 19

0453am. The sun comes up really early.

Always good to see the sun.  The ocean must be very cold, because it has been very cool here. It’s a little like San Francisco weather. 

The intrepid little old lady traveler wimped out today. My plan was to join a 9.5 hour bus tour through marsh land to a lake that has algae balls. I am sure I would have enjoyed it. But there were too many stops and on and offs. And 9.5 hours with a bus full of Japanese tourists. Well it just didn’t sound like fun.

So. I went walkabout. Read. Enjoyed the onsen. I love the onsen, unfortunately Tokyo doesn’t have hot springs so no onsens.

Public art.
Yesterday, the pier was stuffed with fishing boats. Commercial fishing boats.
Today all the fishing boats were gone. And a Japanese Navy supply type ship showed up.
This seems to be the evening entertainment area. I’m guessing it might get some extra business tonight from the Japanese Navy.
More insane Japanese sandwich offerings. The potato salad sandwich. And the pasta with ketchup and bacon sandwich. I had an egg salad sandwich.

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