Kushiro – Japan Day 20

0530am. I discovered that sea gulls fly around all night. At least if the street lights are on.
And today I realized that COOL Kushiro might be referring to the weather.

It’s 65 degrees here and 95 degrees in Tokyo. But, I knew it would be hot in Tokyo in July.

After breakfast I headed out for a little walk. I walk towards the docks.

The JS Mashu was still there. And all decked out with flags.

And, they were having visitors on board. Wonder if they will let me on?

The ship mascot asked to have it’s picture taken with me.

So maybe they will let me on board.

It was a pretty standard supply ship.

Turns out that Japan does not have a Navy. Or an army. They lost both of those at the end of world war II. They have a Japanese Maritime Self defense Force. Looks like a Navy to me.

They had a surprisingly large medical facility for a ship that only has 150 crew. This is the OR. They have a 6 bed critical care ward. And a normal 12 bed ward. Also a couple of isolation rooms. X-ray, lab, and dental.
As I was going up this ladder I thought OH shit. I will have to go down the ladder.

There was a couple about my age from the hotel. We faced the ladder challenge together.

Once again. What ever happened is what I planned.

Tomorrow, it’s the 0830 train west and south.

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