Tokyo – Japan Day 22

0450am looking a little like Southeastern Alaska.

Time to get the shinkansen. But first BREAKFAST. What wonders will today bring.
Ice cream! Vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate.

Sure beats carnivorous sea snails.
That’s two bullet trains – shinkansen.

There is an engine on both ends of the train. I suspect it’s more to streamline the back of the train as anything else.
Shinkansen from the shinkansen.

Since it was Sunday afternoon, I made it out of Tokyo station without getting lost once. I think this is the first time I’ve ever done that.

Walked across the street to the hotel.
Hotel #2 Do Over.

In Japan being able to find your hotel is very important. There are better hotels and cheaper hotels but this one, this one I can find.
And for today’s silly sandwich…
Strawberry, kiwi and peach and pineapple.

I had chicken.

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