Tokyo – Japan Day 24

0605am – different light – same buildings

Same Western breakfast as I had yesterday. I should try this hotel’s Upscale Japanese breakfast, but I doubt that it would compare favorably to all those fun breakfasts I had at the cheap hotels in Hokkaido.
Once again I tried to visit the Imperial Palace. But, of course the 300 daily tickets were gone.

Nevermind I set out to visit the Emperor for coffee anyway.

Public art and my sign that this is where I live.

Yes, there’s a Starbucks on the Imperial Palace grounds. There are no other enterprises on the grounds. And there are perfectly good Japanese coffee shop chains if they really needed a coffee shop. It’s as bizarre to me as if King Chuck put a Pizza Hut on the grounds of Buckingham Palace.

It is just a normal Starbucks. I had an Americano over ice.

It’s interesting to wander around.

Some of the gates date from the early 1600s.

But there was no getting over the moat. I didn’t expect there to be a way. Unless you had one of the 300 tickets.
Time to head back to A/C.
Hotel is at the end of this unused street. It was for the Emperor’s use. His own private road to the train station.

A little cropping and there’s Tokyo Station.

This part of the station is now a hotel. A fine hotel but at this instant it costs more than I choose to pay. I am across the street by the bear.

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