Tokyo – Japan Day 24

Nothing changed outside my window. So this is breakfast. Japanese French toast. Not bad.

I went walkabout in the 95° heat. Maybe it wasn’t my smartest move ever. But what do I got to lose? I survived but I did subway back. I must not have looked like I was about to die because nobody offered me a seat. I consider that an accomplishment.

Public art, Godzilla!
And ramen.

This afternoon I escaped into the underground. There are four layers of underground in this area. It goes on for blocks and blocks. And I can get royally lost. But, it’s air conditioned.

I wandered through an upscale grocery.

This is corn soup. But what’s the plastic looking rose all about?

These weiner things are very common everywhere. But they just look obscene to me. So I haven’t had one this time.

And you got to love square watermelon.

This is awesome. Great looking asparagus. And a map showing where they were grown and a picture showing who grew them. How respectful of the farmer is that?

Finally, too bad these are kids hats. I know a lot of old ladies who would love to have one.

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