Home – Japan Day 27

0647AM – EWR

Those buildings are parking garages. How do people ever find their cars? Do they put an AirTag in the glove box? Not my problem.

Amtrak was on time. No issues with the Red, Yellow and M16 lines. Easy trip home.

Jet lag is a whole different story. I am currently exhausted.


Grateful that I was able to make the trip. And survive.
Grateful to have the Mac back. Got tired of doing the blog using the phone.

Packing report: I took two items that were neither used nor needed: Rain Jacket and Cashmere Hoodie. But, I would have taken them in any case. Everything else was used. Well used. The single most used items were the black skirt and black shirt. Oh yes, and my one pair of shoes. All day every day. 

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