Home Tasteful Home?

Welcome back to my tasteful old folks home where the tables have feet and balls.

The Asylum periodically has delusions of modernity. My elevator lobby is a dose of reality.

Bird or Duck? Feet

As for my jetlagged self, I don’t think I damaged anything or anybody today. That’s about as good as it gets. I have cleaned up most of the damage caused by the credit card disaster I experienced at the beginning of last month. That’s about it.

2 Replies to “Home Tasteful Home?”

  1. Well, welcome home. Thanks for sharing your lovely trip to Japan.
    It’s on my bucket list too. The distances were further and train trips longer than I had in my mind, but I am not in the planning stage yet. Something for me to keep in mind.

    1. Shaida. Don’t wait until you get old. The sooner the better. As for the distances, most of us think of Japan as a “little” country. But, if you hauled it over and put it off the east coast of the US it would stretch from the top of Maine to south of Key West.

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