
0633 – missed the crack of dawn.  This is more like the wedge of dawn.
The Twilight Zone

I went to yoga today. Twelve years ago when I started taking this class with the same teacher, the class was too easy for me. But, it was at a good time of day. And the price was right. I paid more money for a couple of suitably hard classes as well. Time passed, and I moved away from the little studio with the hard classes. But, I kept up with the cheap and easy class. More time passed. And now the easy class is too hard for me.  However, I will keep going to the class as long as I can. I don’t seem to be going quietly into the good night. 

For some unknown reason, this orchid has deployed a couple of summer flower stalks.

Usually, my orchids bloom from late December to May or June. And they all bloomed great and on schedule this year. But this one, the oldest one, put out two late summer bloom stalks. Not sure why.

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