It’s Aloha Friday.

0632 – I hate it when the sun is racing south.

Every day, the sun gets a little closer to disappearing around the East Wing of my building. For about 10 weeks in winter, the sun never shines in my room. Until Covid-time, I didn’t know this. I spent the dark months in Kona. I didn’t even know there were dark months.

But, there is a hint of fall. Maybe not in the air. But in my spirit. So, it’s time for “fall cleaning”. I started with the fridge and came up with a fine pot of “garbage” soup.

A pot of “garbage” soup.

I bought a small onion and a couple of plum tomatoes. Everything else came out of my freezer.  Leftover steak, frozen peas, pasta, chicken stock. Onion and tomato added. A little chili powder. Pepper. Some herbs. It will be returned to the freezer. 


Grateful for Elizabeth, who, every Friday for the last 8 years has cleaned my room, changed my sheets, scrubbed my bathroom, provided fluffy clean white towels, and policed the kitchen.

Size Matters. 12-unit Sonobe. 12, 6, and 3 inch paper.

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