
0605am. The last of the Super Blue Moon hanging out in the morning sky.

I decided on a longer slower walk this morning. (Since my trip to Urgent Care, I have been faithful about getting in a good cardio walk every morning before breakfast.)

Headed off  before 7 this morning. The National Steak Knife was looking splendid by dawn’s early light.
Heading East. Not much traffic at this hour. Back before Covid, I’d be going to work about this time.
Crossing over Four Mile Run, I decided to walk north on Four Mile a bit.
And, I am soon rewarded. A bonus – Doe and almost grown fawn. I have a friend who regularly reports seeing deer in this area. But, I rarely make it here this early. 

Yesterday’s weather was all about Hot Hot Hot. It is a cool and balmy 91° this afternoon. All of my devices started warning me about thunderstorms and flooding. I don’t worry much about flooding since the Old Bat’s Cave is on the 11th floor.  And thunderstorms happen in the summer. 

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