Chilly this morning. Below 50°. So, what to do but make a pot of chili? The Asylum has “veggie chili” but mine is better. And cooking makes me happy.
When I was coming back from grocery this morning, I was the only person on the elevator when it lurched to a stop and announced “Do not be alarmed. We are experiencing minor technical difficulties.” Yeah Right. I push the open door button. Nothing happens. “Open the pod bay doors, HAL.” Finally. The elevator lurched back into action. I am released and scuttle off.
This has been a week of elevator hell. We also had two “smoke events” that caused the fire department to come. And our Executive Director quit. Not the finest week ever at The Asylum. Better luck next week.
An email just arrived from the guy that Carlton beat at tennis on the day he died. The man has been living with ALS for the last couple of years. How can I complain about crappy food and unreliable elevators and my infirmities of old age?