Shanghaied Day 3

0722am. Charleston not Boston. It turned out to be a fine day.

Start with a nice breakfast.

Then a walk along the Charleston water front.

This is one of my favorite signs in Charleston.
You know you’re old when sitting on a bench in the shade. Looking at the ocean is wonderful!.
Yep, Peg’s old.
Back to the good ship vision of the seas. I sat on the deck and watched smaller boats for a good hour.

Then Christie and I headed out on foot to Magnolias. A restaurant that both of us like. Last night out in the middle of the ocean I went online and made reservations. That’s pretty cool for a couple old women don’t you think? We’re old, we ate the food but didn’t take a picture of it. You’ll have to take my word for it. It was marvelous.

Where the dolphin was. On our way back from lunch we stopped and watched two or three dolphins playing.

Good advice.

This has been a fine day and it isn’t over yet. We cancelled dinner tonight. But drinks are still on.
Actual dolphins. Went up on the deck and there they were. It’s always better to be lucky than smart.

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