Shanghaied Day 4

Good start to the day. Found the Sun and coffee.
Next up. 4 and 1/2 laps around the deck. That’s supposed to be a mile. My watch/ gps gets confused. It doesn’t know whether I’m moving or the boat is moving

After breakfast with Christie, it’s off to the origami dojo.

Fold paper and listen to an audiobook in the floating origami dojo.

Somewhere along the line this morning I signed up for another trip on this very same boat in the very same sardine can room. With the very same. Christie. June the 5th next year, nobody’s promised tomorrow much less next year. 

Back in the sardine can after lunch, I find a crab. Christie has an aardvark. I think I have aardvark envy.

After that rigorous morning what to do but take a nap.

Now I’m in the library reading a trashy book and and updating the blog so friends and family will know that the two crazy old women are still alive.

Will be going to the ship’s Japanese restaurant tonight for dinner. So far so good.

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