Orchids and Hawai’i Calls

0718am. sun coming online.

Guess I was too lazy to open the screen this morning.

Orchid Wrangling today.

This morning was devoted to orchids. I repotted my two new orphaned orchids. One is in great shape and I will pass it along. The other has serious root issues and it may not survive.  But, perhaps it will recover with ample doses of benign neglect. It deserves a chance. 

The apartment looks empty without the orchids in the windows.

Grateful for the orchids that add life to The Old Bat Cave. And to Barb who keeps them alive when I am away.

Then I spent a wild and crazy afternoon planning a trip to Moloka’i and Lana’i. Master Card just rejected the charge from the Lana’i Hotel. But it let the one from Moloka’i through. Ah, the Lana’i hotel just went through. So, the next job is to get the little planes set up. The kids have to get ground transportation. Maybe mules.

While all this was going on, the son of the guy I rent the condo from texted me about this and that. It seems that the son didn’t know I had sent his dad a checkā€”a check that the dad never cashed. There is a little family drama there. But the condo seems to be OK.

And tonight I will treat myself to a grilled cheese sandwich. With bacon?

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