46 Years

This would have been the summer of 2005. 

Carlton didn’t do Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Birthdays etc. But, he did remember anniversaries. And, December 30 is the day that he considered our anniversary. This is year 46.  We had a great run. 


After all these years, still grateful that I was hungry on Dec 30, 1978 when Carlton asked “Do you want to go get dinner when we finish work?” He had a project that was screwed up and I was supposed to fix it. Before the end of the year.

I was out on an errand this morning and saw a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up. Carlton always picked up pennies. “And when did you get too rich to bend over and pick up a penny?” was his question. I am not too rich. But, I am getting too old. I always assume that Carlton puts the penny in my path as a test. Or maybe a reminder that he still has my back.

Good news.

100% Crop. No Post Processing.

These cranes are not going to be a problem. They are working on an elementary school and a library, neither of which will be much taller than the trees.

And my discovery. The Pixel 8 phone does a fine job with 10X zoom photos. 5X is its optical zoom limit. But while researching my watch issues, I found a little article that urged folk to try 10X (not 9X or 11X) digital zoom on the newer Google phones. It’s some math trick that makes 10X digital OK. This could be fun. Only problem being: It’s difficult to dial it into exactly 10X zoom. 

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