And for the good news…

Asylum Winter Mode

And for the good news. . . At least according to one of my brokers:
Life Expectancy: There’s a 50% chance Peg will live to be at least 90 years old.

Or maybe that would be the bad news. Just think. In 10 years, I could still be sitting here in this same damn chair wondering who ever thought that black-eyed pea and spinach stew was a good idea for dinner.


Grateful for my good chicken soup, an excellent brownie, and coffee. Grateful that I got a nice cardio workout using the stairs and hallways. There is no need to experience winter firsthand. 

Spent most of the day cleaning up after the huge slideshow project. I had 640 photos in my catalog and on my computer. Needed to package them up and put them on an external drive never to be seen again. I couldn’t manage to put them in the trash. I am a digital packrat.

It didn’t take the kids long to get out with their sleds. Last snow, they had to go buy sleds. This time they were prepared.

1857pm yesterday.

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