Day 2 – SW Chief to LA

0706am Crawford, Indiana

The train made up all of the lost 2 hours and we arrived in Chicago 15 minutes early. I went for a very small walk around Chicago, it was sunny but 18degrees and windy. Drinking coffee and reading in a comfortable chair in the station seemed like a better way to spend 3 hours.

Chicago – the old.

I packed for my trip yesterday morning and decided to leave the Mac book at home. I really don’t need any extra weight to lug around and there’s nothing that I really need the computer for.

Chicago – the new.

I also left the Google watch at home. It gets confused when it’s on the train and I sure don’t need to be nagged about walking every ½ hour. But, I did find myself checking my old school watch to see have far I walked earlier today. New habits die hard.

In about an hour I should be getting on the Southwest Chief. It should arrive in LA on Monday morning. It’s the southern yellow route on the map.

Critters. Flock of turkeys, any number of buzzards, one squirrel eating a cookie, some cattle including some very cute fluffy brown calves.

Time to get a little more walking and fresh air before 43 hours on the train.

On the train but they just announced that there was a problem and they were working on it. We may not be going anywhere.

Under way one hour late.

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