Damp Monday

Today’s 10-year Spring Cleaning,

Feeling a little down today. My trigeminal neuralgia is letting me know that it’s still around. For a few days I hoped it was gone for a while. And, it’s damp and gray. Not my kind of weather.

I didn’t make much progress in my 10-year Spring Cleaning project today. I could only rouse myself enough to attack a small wooden bowl that held jewelry bits and pieces. All that remains is my diamond ring, Carlton’s wedding ring, and Carlton’s company tie-tack.  

Last Monday  an Asylum resident stood up to DOGE. He was fired and escorted out of his office building by men with guns. His car is still in that office building’s garage. His wife doesn’t want him to return to the building so she is going try to get his car out of the building garage.  Most likely easier said than done, but old people are tough. 

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