
0641AM – a clear start.

I ordered up an Uber this morning. And what should arrive but a Tesla. I did not cancel. I rode. Did notice several disapproving stares. And the driver said he has gotten some negative comments recently. He also added that his Tesla was too old for Uber Black. So, that makes it a pre-Covid model. I followed my overtip rule.

Stop to smell the camellias.

The Uber was summoned to take me to visit a friend who is incarcerated in an InPatient Rehab unit. I enjoyed the rehab camellias while waiting for my return Uber. I didn’t get another Tesla. I got the usual Toyota. I over-tipped this driver as well.

Doing a lighting check.

The last challenge of the day was photographing a friend for his 60th med school graduation reunion. I always get stressed when taking pictures of people because I want them to look good.

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